SUNFLOROMASH plant always offers a fresh solution in the production of machinery, aimed at minimizing costs during harvesting. With innovative solutions, all our products are suitable for severe operating conditions, regardless of the yield and condition of the crops. SUNFLOROMASH is a new indicator of reliability and productivity, which is an essential requirement of agricultural producers to the equipment. Efficient design solutions of SUNFLOROMASH products are combined with the exceptional quality of their implementation. Our production originates from the feedback, suggestions and recommendations from consumers of our equipment. It is only you who we owe our daily improvement to!
In 2002, our company under its old name Tehagrolux LLC concluded contracts with various Ukrainian manufacturers of harvesting machinery and successfully sold their products on the territory of Ukraine, Kazakhstan and other CIS countries. In 2010, our management set an aim to establish the manufacture of our own reliable agricultural machinery for harvesting, focusing on the European and other world manufacturers.
Due to this fact, in 2011, being inspired by the Italian Zaffrani header, our team was the first in Ukraine to launch the production of Sunfloro sunflower header. The header was presented at the agricultural exhibition, and there showed its worth on the demonstration site. That same year, a design department was formed to modernize the sunflower header and develop new products. The manufacturing plant began its activities in the City of Berdiansk, at a former shoe factory, renting a small shop of 1,000 square meters, part of the surrounding area, and an office in the administrative building.
In 2012, a RapeFiore header extension for rape seed harvesting with an MSC cutting device gearbox, as well as a universal single-axis Carrello trailer for header transportation were developed. Header extension for rape seed harvesting tests at various farms showed an expected result, which included a significant reduction in losses, strength, and lower weight of the frame. At the end of the year, the design and technology department hired new specialists with many years of experience in machine building. Modern methods and means were introduced to solve the set tasks and to manufacture products with high technical parameters and characteristics.
In 2013, after studying the practical application and taking into account the feedback and comments of our customers, the design department made significant changes in the design of the Sunfloro header. This allowed us to reduce harvesting losses from 4 % to 1 %; to prolong the product life by half by changing the kinematic scheme of the auger and reel drive; to increase the header functionality by introducing additional adjustments; and to simplify header maintenance.
In 2014, we initiated development of a soybean and pea harvesting attachment for headers with a rigid bar and a minimum cutting width of 5 m. The Austrian Biso Flex attachment served as the basis. After studying its advantages and disadvantages, that same year a prototype was launched under the name of Ettaro. Tests proved that the soybean attachment performed even better than its Austrian counterpart. In addition, the Ettaro adapter is as good in terms of harvesting quality as pulse crop headers John Deere HydroFlex, Case Flex, Claas S-series, etc.
In spring 2015, Carrello 2 Axes, a dual-axle universal header trailer, was added to the product line. The main feature of the trailer is the safe transport of large headers with a length of up to 12 meters and weight of up to 4.5 tons. Later on, several renewed Sunfloro Shaft sunflower headers with a pulling shaft and enlarged trays, based on the harvesting principle of Mainero, Sunspeed, Maizco, and Franco Fabril headers, were prepared for testing. The main task was to maintain the symmetry of the header and the pulling shaft in order to reduce cutting of excessive crop material. As a result, on the same field and with the same Claas Tucano 580, Sunfloro Shaft and Claas Sunspeed headers showed the same result, which pleased us immensely. Later on we modified the cutting device of the RapeFiore header extension for rape seed harvesting by replacing the MSC gearbox with a Schumacher-type planetary MBD gearbox. This doubled the cutting speed of the rape seed crop and noticeably reduced the vibration of the product.
2016 was a key year for the development of our company. At the beginning of the year, we purchased a plot of land for the construction of new production facilities. Almost within a year three shops and an administrative building with a total area of 6000 sq.m were built, and a site for finished product storage and our own metal warehouse were arranged. New imported metal CNC processing equipment and turn-milling machinery were purchased. We created more than 70 new jobs. Simultaneously with the construction, the design office began to develop a new header for corn harvesting called Flora Corn. It was inspired by the customers’ feedback on the Dominoni eight-row corn header with a rigid frame structure, oil bath and chopper gearbox with blades.
In February 2017, we moved from a rented shop to our own production facility. The company received the status of a Machine-Building Plant and changed its legal name to Limited Liability Company “Sunfloromash Machine-Building Plant”.
Later at the exhibition in Kyiv, we presented our Flora Corn corn header, and in September first tests were carried out. The header harvested more than 500 hectares of crops for two weeks without a single remark or breakage. Later in autumn, the Design Bureau began developing a completely new sunflower header based on its own experience and customers’ feedback. The header was called Sunfloro Light. The point of the new development was to make a header with the lowest weight among all existing models with an identical cutting width; to reinforce the stiffness of the frame construction; to significantly increase productivity and reduce losses during harvesting to 0.3 %; and to give the header a unique aesthetic appearance.
In June 2018, Sunfloro Light sunflower header was first presented at the exhibition in Kyiv, and won approval and affection of Ukrainian farmers and guests from other countries. In August of the same year, two Sanfloro Light headers with cutting width of 8.5 meters were tested, one in a field with a 56 cm sunflower row spacing and the other in a field with a 70 cm row spacing. The test results exceeded expectations: the header handled the task both in ordinary and unfavourable field conditions at a high harvesting speed of 8-12 km/h without any problems. At the area with a lot of ragweed and other vegetation, only sunflower heads were fed into the combine. The weediness of the seed in the tank was visually reduced in comparison to other rowless headers used on the same combine.
In May 2022, Sunfloromash launched new production facilities and assembled an even larger team of professionals in the City of Dnipro. The new site allows to produce the already popular Sunfloro headers as well as develop new perspective models of headers, header extensions for rape seed harvesting, soybean and pea harvesting attachments, as well as trailers and front loaders for grain. The company started to work successfully with customers in Europe and other countries all over the world.